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SHIKHAR Mains 2023, Day 35 Model Answer English

Updated : 25th Jul 2023
SHIKHAR Mains 2023, Day 35 Model Answer English

Q1: हमें स्मार्ट शहरों से ज्यादा स्मार्ट गांवों की जरूरत है। चर्चा कीजिए।

We need smart villages more than smart cities. Discuss.   (8 Marks)


  • Mention the position of urban areas in introduction.

  • After this, explain the concept of smart village.

  • Finally, conclude the answer by stating the need of smart village.

Answer – 

According to the 2017 Economic Survey, around nine million Indians migrate to cities every year in search of better work opportunities. This gradual increase in migration places a burden on the resources and infrastructure of cities. By 2050, it is estimated that more than half of India will be living in urban India.

However, the concept of Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) was introduced in January 2003 by former President Dr. Abdul Kalam to provide livelihood opportunities and urban amenities to improve the quality of life in rural areas. This included promotion of water and sewerage, construction and maintenance of village roads, drainage, solid waste management, skill development, village street lighting, telecommunications, power generation, village tourism, etc.

Need for smart village –

  • In smart villages, Village folks will get employment, this will increase village income and will manifest in good education, food and nutrition standard.

  • In Smart Village, along with men, women will also get employment, resulting in women empowerment.

  • The income of the common man will increase so that he will be able to take advantage of modern amenities and the problem of malnutrition will also end with the availability of nutritious food.

  • Problems like illiteracy, poverty, Malnutrition etc. can be solved by building a smart village and the country can develop at a rapid pace.

  • Due to lack of facilities like employment, medical etc. in villages, the problem of migration to cities is increasing. Smart villages can provide intervening opportunities in the village itself leading to less migration towards cities.

  • Smart Village will strengthen environmental protection like -

    • Control on felling of trees

    • Control on water pollution

    • Control on air pollution

    • Control on land pollution etc.

The concept of Smart Villages was introduced by the Central Government in 2016 with an aim to upgrade 300 villages under the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rural-Urban Mission. Under this mission, the government aims to provide social, economic and infrastructural development in rural areas which will make these villages smart growth centres. To give a further boost to the scheme, the government later launched the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, which aims at integrated development of select clusters of villages.


Q2: शहरीकरण शब्द से आप क्या समझते हैं? उत्तर प्रदेश में शहरीकरण को बढ़ाने के लिए क्या कदम उठाए जा सकते हैं? चर्चा कीजिए I (12 Marks)

What do you understand by urbanization? What steps can be taken to increase urbanization in Uttar Pradesh? discuss. (12 Marks) 



  •  Briefly explain the term Urbanisation.

  •  Mention the parameters for declaring an area as an urban area and challenges associated with urbanization.

  • Highlight the steps that can be taken to increase urbanization in Uttar Pradesh.



     When the increasing size of the population of a nation accumulates towards the city for habitation, it is called urbanization. Urbanization is a process under which the size and strength of the community of society keep on increasing. Urbanization is the movement of people from rural to urban regions, allowing cities and towns to expand.


      Urbanization is a global change taking place all over the world including India.

According to the United Nations, the migration of people from rural areas to living and working in cities is also ' Urbanization'. However, in order to take forward the 'New India' initiative, the process of adopting a holistic approach towards urbanization is being adopted to improve the urban infrastructure.

Urban Area Definition

  • In Indian society, for an area to be considered an urban area, it is necessary that 5000 or more people live in a human settlement.

  • At least 75% of this human population is engaged in non-agricultural occupations.

  • The population density should not be less than 400 persons per

  • Apart from this, if there are some other characteristics such as industry, large residential settlements, electricity and public transport, then it is considered under the definition of a city.

Challenges associated with increased urbanization in Uttar Pradesh -

  • Urban infrastructure facilities in Uttar Pradesh like drainage, sewerage, water supply, electricity supply, solid waste management and transport are inadequate not only to meet the present needs but also from the point of view of future expansion of the cities.

  • Due to the rapid increase in the urban population, there is a lack of urban facilities, on the other hand, the number of families deprived of these facilities is also increasing.

  • At present, the nature of urbanization of the state is directionless and the disorderly development of cities is visible as the biggest challenge of the 21st century. The trend of organic growth is dominant in most of the cities and unplanned expansion of cities along highways/transit corridors is taking place.

  • There is a state-wide lack of capacity development to meet the challenges of urbanization. It is noteworthy that out of 630 local bodies in the state, only 112 cities have legal arrangements for urban planning and development control.


Some efforts for the development of urbanization: such as -

  • Vibrant Lucknow (Infrastructural Development), 

  • Sugam Lucknow (Development and Expansion of Transport System), 

  • Swachh Lucknow (Focus on Health and Hygiene), 

  • Samridh Lucknow (Protection of Heritage, Collapse etc.).


Following steps can be taken to increase urbanization -

  • Adequate water supply.

  • Arranging fixed power supply.

  • Make special arrangements for sanitation including solid waste management.

  • Promoting efficient urban mobility and public transport.

  • Affordable housing, especially for the poor.

  • Promote strong IT connectivity and digitization.

  • Good governance, especially e-governance and citizen partnerships.

  • Development of a sustainable environment.

  • Safety and security of citizens, in particular the safety of women, children,and the elderly, and

  • Promote health and education and ensure access

  • To make industrial policy industry friendly so that industries can develop.

  • Developing basic infrastructure.